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to Tulli's BlogDog

Hello, how how!

My name is Tully and I invite you to join my journey. I am a mixed breed puppy: Canaanite, Spirit Hound, Labrador, Pinscher, Acrobat, Cat, Sugar,
And most importantly - a human being.

Haters will say this is blueberry puree bullshit.

In any case, I'm the first to tell you not to believe to every bark you hear.

So, what do you say? Is there a click?


What does my day look like?

Basically, I'm living a dream!

After every night on the aeroflex mattress I get up early,
Trying to wake up Roni with licking or scratching (whatever goes),
And then it happens - we go outside!

And what's going on there? Oh-oh, you'll have to read this on my blog,
which is actually from now on also yours :)

It is recommended to read with a snack

No posts published in this language yet
Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.

If you are already here, why not treat yourself?

I don't know about you, but I just specifically love socks!


Well, did I make you wag your tail?

Share me with other two-legs creatures

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my friends

in the Klavlove association

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